Nationally Aligned Strategy & Structure Update
Member Update: 17 March 2022
We have been working hard behind-the-scenes to progress the development of a nationally aligned strategy and structure for the sport.
There’s been a lot of activity, a number of actions completed and work-in-progress with a clear plan for what’s next.
The member survey went out and we received a fantastic response with over 2,700 members providing feedback. These results will be shared next week.
Progress to-date includes the following items.
- We held the Stakeholder Strategic Forum online, late last year. This captured strategic priorities and opportunities from the industry and was a successful, productive session.
- The working group was formed with representatives from state, disciplines and EA board.
- Subsequent to that we have appointed a highly credentialled independent chair with vast sporting organisations and board-level experience – Margot Foster.
- The working group is currently meeting monthly with significant work being undertaken between meetings. They have already reviewed various sporting structures and models, proposals submitted during VA and they are in the process of reviewing international equestrian organisational structures with respect to their strategy and commercial model.
- There are ongoing weekly meetings with the strategy leadership team to complete the work supporting the process and to do some of the underpinning analysis.
- We have confirmed the assessment criteria with which the equestrian structural models will be evaluated with collective agreement.
- A detailed communications plan was developed for the strategic process, shared with stakeholders and is now being implemented.
- We have commenced the development of the purpose, vision, mission and values, having assessed the current national and state key themes, and also re-evaluated against the member survey results.
The next items on the plan include the following.
- We will distribute the survey results next week to members.
- The Working Group will report back at next meeting to present their allocated international equestrian organisation findings.
- Numerous Industry Stakeholder interviews will take place to further probe the findings of the member survey and explore at a deeper level with a view to develop the strategic priorities.
- We will conduct a workshop with staff and key stakeholders to develop an aligned all-of-sport purpose, vision, mission and values.
There is much work to be done, but we are on-track and progressing well.