NEWS > General
Posted by Shelley Tilbrook on 30/01/2023.

Welcome to the Appointed incoming Committee Members

Committee support makes up a big part of our sport. They play a crucial role in the running of the disciplines and development.

Following the recent elections, we are pleased to announce the incoming committee members for each discipline. We extend our congratulations to all our newly appointed members and look forward to drawing on their experience and welcome their input on all committee matters. 

All appointed terms are as of 1 January 2023.

EA Dressage Committee Appointments

Following the National Disciple Committee Elections for Dressage, which took place as per the EA National Discipline Appointment and Procedures Policy, Equestrian Australia (EA) is pleased to welcome back Julie Ely-Jones (NSW) for a second consecutive term of three years, and new members Lisa Baker (WA) for a three-year term and Kerrie Swan-Bates (TAS), for a one-year casual vacancy position to the EA Dressage Committee (EADC).

Plus a BIG thank you to our outcoming members…

The EADC farewells Maria Schwennesen (QLD) and Virginia Creed (VIC).  Maria supporting and contributing to the committee over the past 2 years and Virginia, serving 6 years, has made an enormous contribution as a member and time as Chair to the EADC. 

EA Driving Committee Appointments

The EA Driving Committee elections have also been completed with the following appointments made as per the EA National Discipline Appointment and Procedures Policy. Equestrian Australia (EA) is pleased to welcome back Andrea Webb (NSW) for a second consecutive term, and past member, now returning Ty Nichols (NSW) for a three-year term.  

EA Eventing Committee Appointments

Welcome to our newly appointed members;

Janet Houghton as Chair, Stuart Tinney – Athlete’s Rep, and Matt Gaske – QLD Rep.

Thank you to outgoing representatives

Des Hughes – Outgoing Chair - 6 year term as EAEC member and 5 years of that term as the Chair, Emma Mason – 6 year term as Athlete’s Representative, Mike Dalmau – 3 year term  as QLD Rep.

EA Jumping Committee Appointments

Welcome to our newly appointed members;

George Sanna – Committee member, Michael Archer – Committee member, Krissy Harris - Athlete’s Rep.

Thank you to our outgoing members for their service

Graeme Watts – Outing Chair - 6 year term EAJC member, 4 years as Chair, John Vallance – 6 year term as EAJC member, 2 years as Chair, and Stuart Jenkins – 6 year term as Athlete’s Representative.

NB: Further Committee announcements to come.

Thank you to the committee members we are farewelling, for their contribution and time committed to Equestrian Sport and hope to see their continued involvement in other areas. 

The experience and dedication of all Committee members is essential to the further development of equestrian sport. It is pleasing to see the calibre of volunteers we have working on our Committees, and we sincerely value the work, knowledge and experience all our current and past members provide to our sport.  

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