NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Australia on 02/10/2024.

From the Chair

The Olympics and Paralympics have been and gone and were transfixed watching our riders as their years of hard work, planning and dedication transitioned into a moment in time on the world stage.  What memories they created for us, and we hope that they in turn will have incredible memories of their time in Versailles.

Recently, the EA Board met in Toowoomba to engage in future planning and to consider legacy projects to develop and grow equestrian sports in the region. As part of this visit we met with an inspiring young lady 15 year old Ellie Stenzel who told us of her hopes and aspirations to represent Australia in Dressage at the Brisbane 2032 Olympics and just as importantly, the work she was putting in to make her dreams a reality.  Ellie reminded us why we need to build a better equestrian organisation for the future of our sport; for all those members out there who are working towards their goals.  

In Ellie’s words, “This is where the commitment starts.  We dream it, and then we put in the hard work to achieve it.  So I represent young Australian riders, who are putting in the hours to make their dreams come true…”    Ellie told us about the Darling Downs, “a vibrant and rich agricultural area …(with)  an overrepresentation of horse enthusiasts from the wide and varied disciplines… with venues booked out a year in advance… a region rich in its equestrian talent and individuals who strive for excellence in their fields. Southeast Queensland is Australia’s fastest growing region, and we are passionate equestrian competitors and supporters who are committed to excellence”.

Ellie’s words resonate, because they paint a typical picture across the country - a community of riders and horses that are passionate, talented and dedicated.  Yet we know that we don’t have enough facilities, officials, or volunteers to meet their needs.

So how do we, Equestrian Australia, the National Sporting Organisation, deliver a better experience for Ellie and all our members, be they young or old, wherever they may be located?  It is simply not possible under the current structure, with a disaggregated offering, every state and territory charging a different amount and delivering a different service.  After looking at the models of the competitive and successful equestrian nations across the world, our board is firmly committed to delivering a “Discipline Based Model”.  

This means that those services that every member needs, such as database, horse registration, FEI enquiries, finance and communications, would be done under one unified organisation. The disciplines will then be structured to run more independently, with their own budgets, support staff and resources.  Of course, we also need to take into account members who wish to do more than one discipline, and ensure equity to members across geographic zones and disciplines.  

I am also pleased to inform you that we are making great strides with the tender process for Equestrian Australia’s new digital platform. The overwhelming interest from suppliers eager to collaborate with us highlights the significance of this project. Aligned with the new structure EA is planning to roll out, the platform will provide members with easier access to EA services, streamline processes, and foster a stronger, more connected community. We are excited to deliver a solution that will transform how we serve and engage with our members across Australia

While you may not have noticed a lot of changes yet, there are activities behind the scenes to build a better EA, and you will soon see structural changes roll out to deliver a more streamlined and cohesive model.  We recognise that change can be challenging, and that some will feel reluctant to let go of the old model. Be assured though that at the end of the day, you the members are our key constituents, and it is your support and vote that will determine Equestrian Australia’s ultimate structure.  We look forward to seeing you and hearing your thoughts and views as we shape EA for the future.

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