
What is Dressage? 

In Dressage competitions, horse and rider perform a series of predetermined movements, known as ‘figures’ or “movements” in an arena of either 20x60 metres or occasionally 20x40 metres. The arena has 12 lettered markers placed symmetrically indicating where movements are to start and finish and where changes of pace or lead are to occur. In all competitions, the horse has to show the three paces: walk, trot and canter as well as smooth transitions within and between these paces. At Grand Prix level very collected movements such as Piaffe and Passage are required (see Dressage Movements).

To keep reading about Dressage, click HERE

To read about Dressage Movements, click HERE

Dressage Rules and Tests

Dressage scoring system

Please note, this scoring system is no longer available.  Clubs/OC's will need to seek alternative scoring arrangements.

Dressage Calendar

Event Calendar

Australian Dressage Championships

Measuring Rules & Days

Show Horse & Dressage Measuring Rules & Days 

Nose Net Exemption Application

Nose nets are only permitted to be used in competitions and warm-up on written approval by the EADC. Permission will be given on a case-by-case basis.  Applications can be submitted via the following form.

Please allow a minimum of 4 weeks prior to competition and for Processing.

Dressage Nose Net Exemption Application Form.pdf

Exemption Cards

Dressage riders who require exemptions for modified equipment, or exemptions from dressage rules (such as not being able to sit trot, or requiring a caller/commander) can apply for an EA Exemption Card, which does not require a Para Equestrian Classification to be undertaken.

Exemption Cards

Application for Dressage Exemption - Eligibility of horses, ponies and combinations for each level

Under exceptional circumstances, High Performance riders on suitably experienced horses may apply to the EADC to waive qualification scores. Please complete the form below and send to dressage@equestrian.org.au, 4 weeks prior to the competition commencing.



  • Applications for exemptions can take up to 2 weeks to process, athletes should take this into consideration when planning to enter events.  
  • No competition should be entered without the required qualifications or a written statement from the EADC stating the qualification scores have been waived (exemption approved).

Equestrian Australia Dressage Committee (EADC)

To view the current EADC committee please click here

Dressage Official

If you are a Dressage Official, click below to access your dedicated page :


View the latest Dressage NEWS here