NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Australia on 11/05/2016.

Nosebands in Equestrian sport – Equestrian Australia position statement

Equestrian Australia (EA) response to an ABC Lateline story which aired on 10 May 2016 on the use of nosebands in Equestrian sport:

At Equestrian Australia (EA) events full consideration is given to the welfare of the horse. Trained stewards ensure that equipment rules are followed and are responsible for conducting saddlery checks, including checking nosebands and bits of competing horses.

The noseband check includes a physical check by the steward to guarantee that the noseband is fitted properly and is not having an adverse effect on the horse.

EA also fully supports the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) Code of Conduct for the welfare of the horse. The Code of Conduct states at all stages during preparation and training of competition horses, welfare must take precedence over all other demands. The Code states that horses must not be subjected to any training methods which are abusive or cause fear, and that tack must be designed and fitted to avoid the risk of pain or injury. Furthermore, the Code states the following: abuse of a horse using natural riding aids or artificial aids will not be tolerated.

View the full Code of Conduct:

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