Dressage News

Judy Dierks - Diamond Star Photograph:Franz Venhaus
A special presentation was held on Saturday at the Saddleworld Australian Dressage Championships to the 2013...

Sheridyn Ashwood and Prestige VDL Photograph:Franz Venhaus
Australia has a new dressage champion this evening after Sheridyn Ashwood won the Grand Prix Special at...

Australian Dressage Committee Chair, Mary Seefried, presented her report for the period 1 July 2012- 30 June 2013 at the recent ADC meeting on Sunday 22 September.

The Equestrian Australia Board together with the Australian Dressage Committee (ADC) will review dressage sport in Australia in order to align the goals and vision for the...

A fleeting visit to Germany to represent Australia at the 2013 World Young Horse Dressage Championships also proved to be fruitful for Queensland rider Jayden...

Sheridyn Ashwood-Prestige VDL Photograph:Roger Fitzhardinge
Sheridyn Ashwood won two of the three senior CDI titles on offer at the weekend's Brisbane CDI-W held at...