NEWS > General
Posted by National Admin on 24/08/2015.

EA Board elections

At the Equestrian Australia (EA) Annual General Meeting to be held on 17 October 2015, three (3) elected director positions will be up for election.

EA now calls for nominations of members who wish to be considered for appointment to the National Board.

The EA National Board is appointed by EA’s shareholders (the EA State Branches) from nominations received from the EA membership. Other persons may also nominate but need to become EA members before their appointment to the Board.

Directors on the National Board cannot at the same time be on the Board of an EA Branch or chair a National Discipline Committee.

Becoming a Director on the EA National Board is a great opportunity for people from a wide range of backgrounds to contribute their sport, business and professional experience to the governance and direction of the organisation.

In addition to the three elected director positions that will be up for election, a casual vacancy position currently exists on the board, for the period through until October 2017. In accordance with the EA constitution, casual vacancy positions are appointed by the EA board and the board will look to make this appointment near the time of the AGM from applications received through this process. 

If you wish to nominate for election to the National Board please complete and submit the below nomination form and your resume using the template provided below to Grant Baldock by 5pm on 18th September 2015 via email [email protected]

Please be advised that directors Liza Carver and Mark Hopkinson are eligible for re-nomination to the board.

Nomination Form

Resume Template


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