National Dressage Judge Pathway gains FEI equivalency
Equestrian Australia is pleased to announce that the FEI have granted the AUS National Dressage Judges Education Pathway to be equivalent to the FEI Level I Dressage Judge Education pathway as of 27/09/2022.
“It is pleasing to see that the high quality of our Judge Education System has been acknowledged. Many people have contributed over the years to creating a National Pathway that produces judges of a very high standard in Australia from the beginning of their journey up to FEI status. Such recognition is a great step forward for the future of our sport in Australia.”
Gill Botten Chair EADC
“This recognition of the Australian Dressage Judge education and accreditation system is a testament to the hard work and vision of the many Judges Committee members over the years who firstly set up the structure and policy and then continued to review and tweak it to develop further objective measures. The quality of the judges produced serves our sport well and this has been recognised by the FEI. “
Mary Seefried Chair EADOC
As per the EA Dressage Rules the application and approval to start the FEI pathway remains the same.
The equivalency means that the approved National Officials can be directly entered into the FEI Level 2 Transfer Course provided they fulfil the criteria as mentioned in the FEI Education System and completed all necessary requirements.