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Posted by Equestrian Australia on 11/03/2025.

Para Dressage National Squad Camp

In February Equestrian Australia’s national para dressage squad kicked off the Los Angeles 2028 four-year cycle with an off-horse camp in Melbourne. 

The squad athletes were briefed on new initiatives that are being introduced in the national para sports system for the 2028 and 2032 Games cycles. They also undertook strength and conditioning and recovery practical sessions, education in sports nutrition, Mental Performance in Competition and the AIS Athlete Management System, and workshopped team culture and values.

The camp was held at Paralympics Australia’s high performance training centre at the NEC Hangar, near Melbourne Airport. The centre is integrated into Essendon Football Club’s primary training facility and includes fully accessible accommodation, conference and training facilities.

The camp was supported by Paralympics Australia and the Australian Institute of Sport.

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