National Young Rider and Junior Teams Announced for Aquis Champions Tour 2019
Equestrian Australia would like to congratulate the following riders who have been selected for the National Teams for Aquis Champions Tour to be held at Elysian Fields, Queensland 1-5 May 2019:
Young Rider Team
Erin Buswell riding Quero Quero
Jamie Priestley riding KS Optimus
Jessie Rice-Ward riding CP Southern Cross
Junior Team
Sophie Hatch riding Rosthwaite Belvedere
Clemency Hughes riding Nicolette
Maleah Lang-McMahon riding Capulet Ego Z
There will also be a State Teams competition at the event, for more information on the selection process for State Teams please contact your State Branch.
We wish all of the riders the best of luck and an update with results will be provided following the event.
Further information about the event can be found by visiting the Aquis Champions Tour website here