WA Club uses EA funding assistance for visiting Officials
Equestrian Australia's Club Development Grants are now open for 2016. What would your club do with a share of $30,000 in funding assistance for equipment, facilities or membership recruitment?
In 2015 the Katanning Equestrian Association in Western Australia hosted the Inland Dressage Extravaganza with tests ranging from Prep to Inter 1. The club used the $2,000 of funding it secured through EA's Club Development Grants to assist in bring interstate judges Liz Coe and Julie Bland over from QLD for the weekend to officiate and run rider and judge education sessions.
'The opportunity of having two Judge Mentors over for a rural country show created some great resources to accredit much needed judged into the sport,’ said the Club.
All affilated EA clubs are eligible to apply for Grants under one of two categories: Club equipment and facilities upgrades and club development and recruitment programs. Entry is via the online form.
Grant recipients will be selected based on their submission, the needs of the club and the impact the Grants will have on current and potential members as well as the local community. For more detail please refer to the judging criteria form template.
Submissions are now being accepted and must be submitted by 17 April 2016. Applications must be submitted via the online form.
For more information please contact Alex Poulton at Equestrian Australia at [email protected]