EA National Board Announcement
Following on from the recent Board elections, Equestrian Australia (EA) national board members Des Hughes (QLD) and Gillian Rolton (SA) have been voted back onto the Board for a three year term.
Ms Rolton’s position on the Board as Athlete Appointed Director will conclude at the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) and she re-joins the Board as an Elected Director having been nominated for one of the two positions that became vacant ahead of this year’s AGM.
Mr Hughes is coming to the end of his first term at an Elected Director.
As per the EA constitution, an Elected Director or Athlete Appointed Director may serve three consecutive three year terms.
The National Board is appointed by EA’s shareholders (the EA State Branches) from nominations received from the EA membership.
In accordance with the EA Constitution, the Board may appoint an Athlete Director at any time following an AGM.
The EA AGM for its Shareholders (the State Branches) will be held on Saturday 11 October in Sydney at which time the EA Annual Report will be presented.
EA Chairman Dr Warwick Vale thanked outgoing board member Mark Arthur for his service.
“Mark is a passionate supporter of equestrian sport and has worked diligently as a director to bring about positive change.
“Since joining the board in June 2013, Mark has contributed to a number of key projects. His skill and expertise, particularly in the area of financial management has been highly valued.
“On behalf of my fellow board members and EA members, I’d like to thank Mark for his service and ongoing commitment to the sport of equestrian in Australia. I have no doubt Mark will continue to offer his skills to the sport in the future,” said Dr Vale.