Review Panel formed
Equestrian Australia (EA) is launching a review of the incident at the Scone Horse Trials on Sunday 6 March 2016 that resulted in the death of Olivia Inglis and Coriolanus.
EA has formed a Review Panel comprising:
- Liza Carver (BEc, LLB, LLM) a senior partner in a global law firm who, over a 25 year period, has had wide experience in corporate compliance and risk management including acting as compliance adviser to the Board of a major listed Australian company. Liza is a member of the Board of EA.
- Will Enzinger is the Chair of the EA National Eventing Committee, a Level 3 Eventing Specialist Coach and a former member of the Equestrian Victoria Eventing Committee. He competes at FEI 4* level and has done so over the last 12 years.
- Bruce Farrar (BE, MBA, GAICD) is the Chief Executive Officer of Equestrian NSW. He has formal qualifications in risk management and is an accredited incident investigator through his previous leadership roles in the engineering, mining and rail industries. Bruce has competed in equestrian sports for 20 years and has served on numerous major event organising committees.
- Vince Roche (Associate Professor) has been an equestrian rider, event organiser and volunteer medical officer of equestrian events for 25 years. He is an FEI 3/4* Technical Delegate, FEI 3/4*Cross Country Course Designer and a member of the FEI Officials Training Seminar Directors Panel. Vince has served on many FEI Arbitration and Investigation Panels at International events, reporting where necessary on serious accidents.
The objectives of the review are to:
- Determine the sequence of events
- Assess compliance with the FEI and EA Eventing Rules relevant to the incident
- Review the risk management controls in place at the event
- Propose opportunities for improvement where identified
In completing this review, the panel will seek advice from relevant national and international experts.
Further information will be made available in due course. Enquiries should be referred to Paula Ward, EA CEO on 02 8762 7777 or at [email protected]