NEWS > General
Posted by National Admin on 07/11/2018.
Ride a Horse is Here
Oz Shots Photography

Get on Board Ride A Horse

Ride a Horse

Equestrian Australia have begun the Official roll-out promoting the NEW ‘Ride A Horse’ website – and the NEW ‘Trot Canter Gallop’ and ‘Ready Set Vault’ Equestrian Programs that join ‘Ready Set Trot’ on the EA Participation Pathway.

“I am so excited to finally be able to introduce everyone to this new Equestrian Australia Educational Pathway initiative – one that we hope will grow participation in our sport across the country and open up new opportunities for our coaches and delivery partners.” said Tracey Vardy, Athlete Pathway Specialist.

Developed in consultation with Sport Australia and our program providers, with input from many keen equestrians, Ride A Horse offers an initial point-of-call for all levels of people interested in riding a horse. It offers a place to go for those looking to try horse riding for the very first time, right through to those looking to further their equestrian skills and knowledge, by participating in a nationally recognised and structured educational program delivered by accredited coaches.

Ride A Horse includes the NEW ‘Trot Canter Gallop’ program that fills a missing gap in the EA pathway. It compliments Ready Set Trot, our junior beginner riding program, by offering a beginner riding program for high-school aged riders and adults, while also offering the next step for those participants who have graduated from Ready Set Trot. We also have an exciting new Ready Set Vault program soon to be introduced, to promote the exciting discipline of vaulting to beginner junior riders.

We will continue to add new programs to the pathway in the future, and look forward to consulting with delivery partners and other stakeholders, so that we can deliver programs that our stakeholders and participants are asking for.

Please check out the digital brochure here: Learn More 

Or visit and have a look at our new website for further information.

Ride a Horse

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