NEWS > Education
Posted by Christine Armishaw on 12/04/2021.

Evolution of the EA Coaching Committee

During March, EA was advised of changes to the Equestrian Australia Coaching Committee (EACC), including the resignation of NSW representative and inaugural Chair, Robert Stewart.

In 2019, Robert was an integral part of the drive to reinstate coaching committees at both a State and National level.

Robert’s leadership of the EACC since July 2019 has contributed to the development of Coach Education that is now delivered through online platforms, the availability of coach apparel, and the recognition of coaches who are progressing through the coaching pathway via the EA newsletter.

EA and the EACC wish Robert all the best in his future endeavours and thank him for his hours of dedication and commitment to the EA Coaching Scheme.

ENSW will now be represented by Sally-Ann Barbera. Sally-Ann was the ENSW second delegate but has now taken on the role as a committee member to December 2021.

In addition to receiving the resignation of Robert Stewart, following the Equestrian Queensland Coaching Advisory Committee (EQ CAC) election process, EA has been informed that Geraldine van Montfrans-Eady will be stepping down from her role as EQ representative from 30 April. 

EA and the EACC would like to thank Geraldine for her valuable input into the direction of the EA Coaching Scheme during her 18-month involvement and wish her all the best in the future.

In line with the EACC Appointment and Procedures Policy, EQ has nominated Trudy Dougall as EACC committee member and Grant Paddison as second delegate from 1 May 2020 to December 2021.

EA would like to welcome and congratulate Sally-Ann Barbera, Trudy Dougall and Grant Paddison on their appointment to the EACC to December 2021.  

For more information on the EACC and your state representatives, please click HERE

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