Calling for 2024-2026 National Discipline Committee EOIs
It is once again that time of year where Equestrian Australia call for National Discipline Committee (NDC) Expressions of Interest for vacancies as listed below.
All of the below positions will be for a three (3) year term (unless stated) commencing 1 January 2024.
Eligibility requirements and an outline of the role and responsibility for each NDC can be found in the EA National Discipline Committee Appointment and Procedures Policy and NDC Charters HERE.
To apply, please complete the relevant Expression of Interest Form and return via email to the EA Sport Services Officer listed on the nomination form and below:
Dressage/Driving - [email protected]
Vaulting/Endurance – [email protected]
Jumping/Show Horse – [email protected]
Vacancies are detailed below.
Applications close: COB Monday 30 October 2023.
Equestrian Australia Dressage Committee
One (1) casual vacancy
Kerrie Swan-Bates has been filling a one year casual vacancy and is eligible to re-stand for a further 2 years.
Equestrian Australia Officials Dressage Committee
Three (3) vacancies
Kim Thomas has served two consecutive terms and is not eligible to re-stand for a minimum of 12 months.
PollyAnn Huntington and Elizabeth Coe have both served one term and are both eligible to re-stand for a second term.
Equestrian Australia Driving Committee
Three (3) vacancies inclusive of Athlete Representative Position
Bob Edwards, Mary Seefried and Corby Cunnington (Athlete Representative) have served one term and are eligible to re-stand for a second term.
EA Driving Committee Nomination Form
EA Driving Athletes' Representative Nomination Form
Discipline Committee Athletes' Representative Position Description 2023
One (1) vacancy
James Sheahan has served one term and is eligible to re-stand.
Equestrian Australia Jumping Committee
Two (2) vacancies
Rory Hovell has served two consecutive terms and is not eligible to re-stand for a minimum of 12 months.
Brigid Willis has served one term and is eligible to re-stand for a second term.
Equestrian Australia Vaulting Committee
Two (2) vacancies
Lisbeth Betts has served two consecutive terms as is not eligible to re-stand for a minimum of 12 months.
Natalie McNeill has served 1 term and is eligible to re-stand for a second term.
Equestrian Australia Show Horse Committee
The Show Horse Athletes’ Representative position will become vacant, Chris Lawrie has served two consecutive terms and is not eligible to re-stand for a minimum of 12 months.
EA Show Horse Riders Representative Nomination Form
Discipline Committee Athletes' Representative Position Description 2023
For any further information please contact the relevant Equestrian Australia Sport Services Officer.