NEWS > General
Posted by Christine Armishaw on 24/06/2020.

Club Insurance Renewal for Financial Year 2020-2021

We are pleased to announce that 2020/21 EA Club Insurance Renewals will open Monday 29 June 2020.

As this is a very short timeframe to re-renew your Club insurance, we can confirm that until 31 July 2020, insurance coverage is included for all Clubs currently insured through the EA insurance program. Please note, if a Club has not renewed by 31 July, they will no longer be an insured Club.

What you need to do:

Insurance is offered at the same price as 2019/2020 through the EA Insurance Program provided by Gow Gates -

All EA Clubs will receive an email with further detail regarding this by the end of the week.

It is also recommended that clubs follow the Guideline – Resuming Equestrian Training and Competition Activities in a COVID-19 Environment

Please note that the Certificate of Currency is only valid once your EA Affiliation is current and Club Insurance payment has been received.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we look forward to the 2020-2021 competition year.


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