Di Saunders Back on the Equestrian Australia Team
A familiar face to some, Di Saunders is back on the Equestrian Australia team. She's filling a different role, but with her wealth of knowledge, she is an asset to the team and all the National Discipline Committees she is now involved with.
We had a quick Q & A with Di, so that those meeting her for the first time can get to know her, while those warmly welcoming Di back can get also learn more about Di's return.
EA. What is your current role title and what does your job entail?
DS. I am back on the EA team for three months trialling a new role – Sport Services Officer. The main function of an SSO is as the EA liaison with the National Discipline Committees.
EA. This is the second time you have been on the EA team; what was your first role (including the time frame it covered) and how do you feel that will benefit your ability to do a great job in your new role?
DS. My background is in Sales and Customer Service, so my first position at EA was to help with the integration of a new Membership Platform. I remained involved in IT Working Groups with EA State staff as we proposed functionality improvements to the current platforms EAOnline and MyEA, but my time also extended to helping the Education Department with Coaching and Officials. In 2016 I became Pathways Manager – Officials, until leaving in 2018.
EA. What is the main goal you'd like to see achieved during your current role?
DS. COVID-19 has, for some uncertain time, stopped the flow of many NDC activities that the position would normally support, so adapting to the current changes in the world is a biggy!
Di with her current “ride” Feldale Baritone or Barry
EA. Are you horsey? What is your equestrian background?
DS. I am a tragic horsey person. I started show jumping as an 11-year-old with the Brook Family (amazing the horse heritage in this one family, so a lucky start for me). I headed into dressage in my twenties as sandpits suddenly seemed safer, however, I soon learnt not easier Later in life, living next door to Jade Findlay and family, my children evented and one still plays in this discipline.
EA. What do you enjoy most about being involved in the equestrian industry?
DS. The Equestrian Australia family is so passionate – whether it is volunteers, coaches, officials, athletes or the support people (grooms, partners, parents); people I love hanging with.
I thought I would give up riding when I hit my 50s – but now that I am here, I will continue to have my horse fix as long as I am able to.
EA. It's great to have you back on board Di. Your wealth of knowledge and previous experience will be a benefit to the equestrian community as a whole.