EA Health and Safety Progress Update August 2021
Equestrian Australia (EA) aims to provide a healthy and safe environment (competition and training) to protect riders, horses, coaches and officials.
In 2019, a Coronial inquest following two rider fatalities resulted in 31 recommendations to be implemented to improve safety across the sport of Eventing. This opportunity for EA to raise the level of health & safety across the entire sport has been fully embraced.
Since 2019, EA has done a lot of work in the health and safety space. We have developed, and continue to build on, a strategic health and safety plan that encompasses rider and athlete safety through providing an improved safety environment and comprehensive training and education; promotion of best-practice equine welfare; and strategically designed events that minimise risk.
In April 2021, an audit was conducted to review where EA is at following the inquest. The results were 18 recommendations had been completed, with an additional 11 recommendations in progress.
Four months on, as of August 2021, seven more recommendations have been fully completed, bringing the total to 25, and we are making strong headway in completing the remaining six.
We have improved, and will continue to improve, health and safety within Equestrian using such measures as effective data reporting, concussion training, helmet tagging and medical service provider registration. We have sought feedback from our members, including athletes, coaches and officials, as the voice and opinion of all our stakeholders is important.
Health and safety for all is the number one priority for Equestrian Australia. We will continue to further develop and improve upon our Health and Safety Strategic Plan, with an aim to take a leading position in our industry.
Read the summary of the EA National Health and Safety Progress to date: