NCAS Committee Election
Positions on the Committee are open to any EA registered coach and is based on skills representation.
The National NCAS Committee will have three positions up for nomination in 2015 as per the process outlined in the Equestrian Australia Committee Bylaws HERE.
Current committee members Glenys Cox and Chris Hardwicke are both eligible to re-nominate for their position.
All appointments will be for a term of two years. Committee members may serve a maximum of three terms of two years each before they have to have a break of at least one year. The committee will elect its chairperson at its first meeting and this individual will hold the position for two years. If a committee member is newly elected to the position of Committee Chairman in their last year of tenure then his/her term may be extended by one year provided the Committee supports the extension by a two-third majority and the extension receives the approval of the EA Board.
The NCAS committee is primarily responsible for contributing to the development of policy and the monitoring of policy implementation for NCAS-related matters and areas. These include:
(a) Development/review of the Australian Sports Commission NCAS courses
(b) Development of coaches from junior to international level
(c) Education, assessment and accreditation of coaches of all disciplines
(d) Development of Community Education programs
(e) Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) applications
(f) Assistance in the development and implementation of EA NCAS operational plan
(g) Assistance in the conduct of National and International forums/seminars for Coaches, Coach educators, Skill Specific Trainers, Assessors and Community Education
NCAS Committee members are required to attend two face to face meetings, each of which are of two days duration in the National Office (March and October) and also be available for two teleconferences in January and July.
All appointments will be for a term of two years and the Chair will hold office for two years. Committee members may serve a maximum of three terms of two years each before they have to have a break of at least one year. Where in their last year of tenure Committee members are newly elected to the position of Committee Chairman, their term may be extended by one year provided the Committee supports the extension by a two-third majority and the extension receives the approval of the EA Board.
How to Apply
Please complete the Nomination form and return to the Equestrian Australia National Office by Monday 8th September 2015 - information on how to return the form are available within the form. Please address your application or any questions to [email protected]
All applicants will be voted on by the State Branches and a representative of the EA Board.