NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Australia on 28/05/2013.

New interim solution for Equestrian Australia's IT system announced

Equestrian Australia (EA) and the state branches have opted to use an alternative IT system for its membership database as an interim option ahead of the up and coming 2013-14 membership renewal period.

At a recent joint session between the EA Board and the State Branch Chairs and CEOs, an alternative online system/portal option was presented by experienced software developer Lloyd Raleigh, which could be implemented in time for the 2013-14 renewal period.

EA Chairman Dr Warwick Vale said the new membership IT system is an interim solution that will address the main areas of concern by the states and members regarding the current platform. The new system will greatly enhance the online membership experience in the processing of membership renewals, new memberships and horse registrations.

 “We acknowledge that the current system equnect did not fully deliver on all areas of the business.  The current system did not meet the needs of members and the sport.  However the investment in the system remains relevant, as the technology developed can be utilised as part of the long term solution.

“It is important to stress that a long term final solution has not been determined.  equnect will be placed on reserve  (not shut down) until the long term strategy has been explored further and approved.

“The next agreed steps for the EA Board and state branches is to complete a scoping/strategy document of the full future IT requirements for the sport (outside of just membership and horse registrations) and release an expression of interest/tender to companies to take on the project.

“IT remains an important priority for the Board as we recognise the need to have an effective IT solution that can create efficiencies across the sport as well as add value to our members, clubs, event organisers and volunteers,” he said.

The new membership database, EA Online, will be operational to assist with the membership renewals for New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.  It will also be utilised for Queensland and Northern Territory for new members that may join.

Members renewing for the 2013-14 calendar period will receive an email directly from the respective state branch which will provide direct links on how to complete their membership renewal.  Alternatively, members can visit the EA or their respective state branch websites.

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