Update on the EA High Performance Program and Funding
As recently communicated by Equestrian Australia (EA) the decision by the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) to ring fence the high performance funding and have the program report directly to the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) has now occurred.
The High Performance Program, overseen by the High Performance Panel of Equestrian Australia and the High Performance Director, Chris Webb, will continue in its role of assisting the preparation of athletes for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The day-to-day management of the program will not be negatively impacted in any way by this transition, and the program retains the full support of the AIS and the ASC. All existing high performance funding including the Pathways Solution Grants will be maintained under this new structure and the High Performance Program will continue to operate fully in its current capacity.
The High Performance Panel and Selectors are mindful of the requirements for nominating athletes to enable participation in the Olympic and Paralympic Games and they will liaise with the Australian Olympic Committee and Paralympics Australia to ensure these requirements are met.
Existing EA Board representation on the High Performance Panel will remain and all employees of the High Performance Program will continue in their current roles as employees of EA funded by the High Performance Program.
The High Performance Panel will work with the EA Directors and the Administrator to assist with any restructuring of EA.
The High Performance Program remains dedicated to supporting the advancement and development of our athletes and to Australia’s ongoing equestrian success.
Leigh Clifford
Chairman, High Performance Panel