VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH is a regular series on our website. It is a way of highlighting the tireless Equestrian Australia volunteers from across all disciplines, who help keep our sport running smoothly, all over Australia.
This month we say THANK YOU to Jackie Lancaster, of Equestrian Western Australia. Thanks Jackie!
As a member of Dressage Western Australia, Jackie tirelessly organises and runs the Dressage Development Series Events throughout the year, with a small band of helpers.
This year alone, Jackie has organised four FEI 5* Judges from interstate to come to WA as part of these events: Lilo Fore (February), Susie Hoevenaars (April), Mary Seefried (May/June) and Maria Schwennesen (coming in August).
The Dressage Development Series is targeted at riders, coaches and judges and works to encourage and improve dressage knowledge and skill. Each event includes masterclasses, workshops, judge education, protocol sessions, and competitions.
Not only is Jackie a fantastic event organiser, but she is also a judge and a rider herself!
Jackie riding her own imported Diamond Hit gelding
"The WA dressage community is very fortunate to have such a committed volunteer who continuously produces quality events and is so committed to improving knowledge across the state." shared the DWA committee.
"Jackie makes the events educational informative and a pleasure to be at and is always approachable and easy going."
FEI 5* Judge Mary Seefried at the Mini-Masterclass organised by Jackie - it included 5 FEI horses: 4 of which were Grand Prix
Thank you Jackie for being a member of this wonderful army of volunteers that contribute so much to our sport.