NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Australia on 21/09/2013.

Visiting Japanese Official is proud of Tokyo's successful Olympic bid

Kazuya Hirayama from the Japanese Equestrian Federation 
Pictured with Course Designer Frederic Cottier of France

Kazuya Hirayama from the Japanese Equestrian Federation is proud of his country for earning the right to host the 2020 Olympic Games.

Mr Hirayama is in Australia as the FEI appointed assessing delegate for the Australian Show Jumping Championships and says the awarding of the world’s most watched sporting spectacle was a huge honour to the people of Japan.

“I watched the announcement on the television. I woke up at 4am to watch it and I shed a tear when I heard the President Jacques Rogge say that Tokyo had won the right to host the 2020 Olympic Games.

“Two years ago Japan suffered a tsunami and earthquake which caused many problems for the people of our country.

“Having the right to host the Olympic Games is a proud moment for our country and will unite our citizens and help us to overcome the troubles this disaster caused,” he said.

Mr Hirayama says the equestrian venue at the Tokyo Games will be right in the heart of the city.

“The equestrian facilities will be very conveniently located just 15 minutes from the airport.

“We have a very big arena already in existence that will undergo some further improvements but the cross country course for the eventing competition is just a Forrest at the moment.

“In the year 2000 Sydney hosted the Olympic Games so we consider Australia an older brother. We may need to call on you for your help and suggestions in the next seven years,” he said.

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